Welcome to my main body of work, my ceramics. Whether they are vessels, plates and bowls, I always take inspiration from the natural landscapes of the Andes range, located between Chile and Argentina and working itself up towards Colombia. I have been in contact with these mountains ever since I was a child, travelling from one side to another to visit my grandparents, now I find inspiration in the rocks, clouds and rivers that take make the stunning landscape that it is.

You can see hints of a life that does not belong to any era in particular, but always stemming from Precolumbian origins, my main source of inspiration. From the Atacama desert to the Patagonia, plants, animals and people populate my work in an attempt to tell a story that has been long forgotten and that we will never remember word by word, but will always feel with our hearts.

Niño zampoña, 2021

Glazed earthenware